DBS News

Latest news and tips in web design and digital marketing from DBS

Website Safety Buttons: Staying Safe Online

Sometimes website users need to exit a website immediately and cover their tracks so another person...

Celebrating National Apprenticeship Week

Many businesses report struggling to recruit new employees. To celebrate National Apprenticeship...

Google Share Thoughts on AI Generated Content

One of the largest developments in the digital marketing world this year, is the rise of Artificial...

Google Successfully Completes Transition to Mobile-First Indexing

After many years, Google has finally completed its transition to mobile-first indexing.This...

What It Means To Be An Employee Owned Business

People often ask me ”What does it truly mean to be an employee-owned business?" Back in June 2017,...

Google Ads Tests New Feature to Boost Calls

Do you find manually dialing phone numbers a pain? If you do, you’re not the only one and Google...

Goodbye Universal Analytics, Hello GA4!

After more than a decade, on July 1st Universal Analytics stepped aside to make way for Google...

Universal Analytics Will Stop Measuring In July - Now's The Time To Switch To Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

From the effectiveness of landing pages and demographic information to traffic sources, and website...

Welcome Alfie to Team DBS

We are happy to officially announce that Alfie Madden has joined the team as Digital Marketing...

Social Media Roundup July 2022

The world of social media is constantly changing and it can be difficult to keep on top of the new...

DBS Digital Celebrates 5 Years As An Employee Owned Trust

EO Day is celebrated on the 24th June, and this coincides nicely with the 5 year anniversary of DBS...

Joey Harris joins the DBS team

We are excited to officially announce that Joey Harris has joined team DBS in the role of Digital...
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